Saturday, February 7, 2009

Catwoman - 5. His and Purr (29% Very Difficult)

Kombo Challenge: Down Forward X - Square, square, Down Back Square, * Back Forward Triangle

Somersaulting Fever (Down Forward X)
Long Nails (Square, Square)
Whip String (Down Back Square)
Lasso Grip (Back Forward Triangle)

2/7/09 2:50 PM - This move is a pain because of the Cat and Mouse ending. On all of the Catwoman Kombo Challenges that have the Cat and Mouse ending, I found my self practicing the last part of the move and then adding a little bit more on until I was trying the entire move.

1. Practice the Cat and Mouse (Whip String + Lasso Grip) until you are comfortable with it. I would keep practicing it until I could execute it 3 times in a row.

2. Next, add the Long Nails attack (Square, Square). You will notice the timing is slightly different when you transition from Long Nails to the Cat and Mouse attack. The Whip String happens faster which means your Lasso Grip needs to get executed faster.

3. Once your comfortable enough starting the attach with the Long Nails begin the attack with the Somersaulting Fever (Down Forward X). The difference here is you will have time your Long Nails attack to hit your opponent on the way down.

In live game play there are other Somersault Fever initiated Kombos you can execute that are easier for 20-30%.

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