Sunday, February 8, 2009

Catwoman - 10. Broken Promises (38% Very Difficult)

Kombo Challenge: Square, Square, Back Square - Back X - Back O, Back Forward O, * Down Back Square

Playtime (Square, Square, Back Square)
Scratchy Leg (Back X)
Swift Heel Kick (Back O)
Raging Cat(Back Forward O)
Whip String (Down Back Square)

2/8/09 5:50 PM - Another very difficult Kombo Challenge. After finihing Catwoman's final challenge I turned my PS3 off and when to bed. At this point I've only progressed through 4 of the 20 character's Kombo Challenges and am beginning to wonder about my ability to blog about all 20 characters. This is like writing a 200+ page paper. Hopefully this stuff will be useful to someone. Below are my steps to complete this.

1. Quickly tap Square 3 times and hold back after you tap Square the first time. This part of the Kombo will end with a Skull Pouncer smacking your opponent down and bouncing back up.

2. Immediately after Catwoman executes the Skull Pouncer part of the initiating attack sequence, move forward. I did this just so when I pressed Back X I would be in position to execute the Scratchy Leg. If you're really good and can tap Back X at the same time and release you may not need to move forward. However, this was the best way for me to accomplish this.

3. Next is the hard part. Somehow you need to be in position to execute a Swift Heel Kick to Raging Cat attack sequence. You may need to move forward again just a tad to initiate this part of the sequence. However, I was successful a few times without having to move forward again. I had to practice this move all by itself several time. Try to make this part all one move (Back O Forward O). Practice this until you're comfortable and then add the Back X to the begging. I had to work backwards to get the whole Kombo to work.

4. Finally, if you can get through to the Raging Cat execute the mid air Whip String by waiting until Catwoman lifts her knee and is about to push off, then press Back Down Square.

I'm not a big fan of this move. If you are going to use a Kombo with the Playtime initiating attack sequence, go for Here Kitty Kitty. It's much easier and gets you 40% damage instead of just 38%

Catwoman - 9. Purrrfection (33%Very Difficult)

Kombo Challenge: Square, Square, Down Forward X - Square - Forward Triangle, Back Forward O, * Down Back Square

Long Nails (Square, Square)
Somersault Fever (Down Foward X)
Quick Scratch (Square)
Double Claws (Forward Triangle)
Raging Cat (Back Forward O)
Whip String (Down Back Square)

2/8/09 5:30 PM - Another frustrating Kombo. I've only execute this about 4 times out of 50 tries. Here's my best attempt to explain it:

1. Start off with the Long Nails to Somersault Fever attack (Square, Square, Down Forward X). This is pretty easy to initiate.

2. There is a very very slight pause before you have to execute the next move "Quick Scatch". If done with the right timing then Catwoman will knock your opponent in the air again.

3. There is a very very slight pause (if any) before you need to execute the Double Claws move (Forward Triangle). This is where I have a difficulty timing it. I'm about 40% getting the timing right. If you do, you will continue to juggle your opponent in the air with the Double Claws.

4. Next, you will need to execute the Raging Cat. You have a little time since the Double Claws is 2 hits with one attack button. By a little time, I mean you don't necessarily have to press Forward Triangle, Back Forward O in immediate sequence. But if you allow any more that a very slight pause you will miss it. The best piece of advice I can give you is to be very precise with pressing the attack buttons. Don't tap them more than once or you won't execute the Kombo.

5. Finally finish the Kombo with a mid air Whip String. Like my other posts execute the move when Catwoman's knee comes up and starts to push off of her opponent.

Unless someone has an easier way to execute this Kombo this is not a practical move to try in live game play. I like the initation attack but there are other moves you can follow it up with to get the same and even more damage with much less difficulty. You just need to play around with it. I'd be interested to see if anyone has a suggested alternative with the same initation sequence.

Catwoman - 8. Sharp But Sweet (39% Very Difficult)

Kombo Challenge: Square, Square, Back Square - Jump Forward Triangle - Back X - Square, Square, Triangle, Down Back Square, * Back Forward Triangle

Playtime (Square, Square, Back Square)
Jump Smack Down (Jump Forward Triangle)
Scratchy Leg (Back X)
Frenzy (Square, Square, Triangle)
Whip String (Down Back Square)
Lasso Grip (Back Forward Triangle)

2/8/09 8:55 AM - While this is one of the cooler looking Kombos because it has so many different attacks, I'm embarrissed to admit that it took me over 5 hours to complete this Kombo. Here's what I learned:

1. It is easy to initiate the Playtime sequence by quicky tapping square 3 times and press back after the first square.

2. Next is the Jump Smack Down which is simply jumping towards your opponent and pressing triangle. Up till now, this is the same attack sequence as the Here Kitty Kitty Kombo Challenge.

3. Next is the Scratch Leg (Back X). This is a bit tricky because it require you to press forward slightly to actualy execute it. After your opponent gets bounces up from the Jump Smack Down I found that I needed to move foward as much as possible so that when I pressed the back button I was in position to execute the Scratchy Leg. By as much as possible I mean only a little bit because you don't have that much time before you opponent falls to the ground. I needed to practice this a lot. If done correctly your opponent will get kicked up again.

4. With a very slight pause you will then execute the Frenzy Kombo (Square, Square, Triangle). Execute this attack sequece quickly to give youself some time for the final Cat and Mouse Kombo.

5. This is part I had the hardest time with. I found my self getting 9 hits with 31% damage because I could execute the first part of the Cat and Mouse, the Whip String, but I either couldn't get the Lasso Grip or it came out too late to grab my opponent. I suspect if you wait too long to execute it after the Frenzy Kombo you won't get the Lasso Grip to reach, but this is only a hunch as I've only completed this Kombo once.

I'm looking for experienced players to post their feedback on this Kombo. I'm curious if others are having the same difficulty that I had and if there are any other tips.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Catwoman - 7 Here Kitty Kitty (40% Moderate)

Kombo Challenge: Square, Square, Back Square - Jump Forward Triagle - Square, Square, O, Back Forward O, * Down Back Square

Playtime (Square, Square, Back Square)
Jump Smack Down (Jump Forward Triangle)
Brutal Kombo (Square, Square, O)
Raging Cat (Back Forward O)
Whip String (Down Back Square)

2/8/09 - 8:35 AM - This is my personal favorite. The hardest part of this move is getting it initiated. Catwoman isn't that fast in close Kombat, so the best time to initiate this is after you've blocked a special move and your opponent is vunerable.

1. To initiate the Kombo I tap Square 3 times really fast and press the Back button immediatly after I press the Square for the first time. In live game play I need to get better at this. Most of the time I get the first scratches in (Long Nails) but fail to get the 3rd Square (Skull Pouncer) to execute. I think I'm not following my own advice and press Square fast enough to initiate this Kombo.

2. Next you will jump towards your opponent after the Skull Pouncer smacks your opponent and they bounce in the air. As you approach your opponent in he air press triangle to smack them down again.

3. The next sequence (Brutal Kombo) involves a little bit of timing. As your opponent begins decending from the Jump Smack Down, press Square, Square, O quickly.

4. The faster you execute the Brutal Kombo sequence, the more time you have to execute the Raging Cat (Back Forward O) move. Yes, you can give a slight pause if you execute the Brutal Kombo fast enough. I find this helpful. If done properly Catwoman will end the Brutal Kombo with a Heel Kick and immeiately jump on the opponent to execute the Raging Cat.

5. As always, after the Raging Cat you will have a little bit of time to execute the final Whip String. As mentioned in my previous posts that include this, wait until Catwoman is lifts her knee to push off and then press Down Back Square.

This Kombo is the least difficult 30%+ Kombo of all the Kombo Challenges and is very usefull in live game play.


5. Once you've executed the

Catwoman - 6. Feral Instinct (20% Difficult)

Kombo Challenge: Back Square - Square - Jump Forward Triangle, Down Back Square

Skull Pouncer (Back Square)
Quick Scratch (Square)
Jump Smack Down (Jump Forward Triangle)
Whip String (Down Back Square)

2/7/09 3:05 PM - This Kombo Challenge wasn't hard to complete but is difficult to repeat consistently. Hence my rating of difficult. Here are the steps:

1. Bounce your opponent in the air by executing a Skull Pouncer (Back Square)

2. Juggle your opponent in mid air by pressing Square again for Quick Scratch. Thre is a little bit of timing involved here. Note a very slight pause is needed before you press Square.

3. Jump at your opponent in mid air and press Triangle for a Jumping Smack Down.

4. Finally, execute teh Whip String in mid air immediately after the Jumping Smack Down. You need to be fast to do this. To execute this make the Jump Forward Triangle Down Back Square all one move. By that I mean execute that sequence as fast as possible.

I like initiating Kombos with the Skull Pouncer because Catwoman reaches to do this. It allows you to initiate an attack just outside of close Kombat range where your opponent may have faster moves than Catwoman.

Catwoman - 5. His and Purr (29% Very Difficult)

Kombo Challenge: Down Forward X - Square, square, Down Back Square, * Back Forward Triangle

Somersaulting Fever (Down Forward X)
Long Nails (Square, Square)
Whip String (Down Back Square)
Lasso Grip (Back Forward Triangle)

2/7/09 2:50 PM - This move is a pain because of the Cat and Mouse ending. On all of the Catwoman Kombo Challenges that have the Cat and Mouse ending, I found my self practicing the last part of the move and then adding a little bit more on until I was trying the entire move.

1. Practice the Cat and Mouse (Whip String + Lasso Grip) until you are comfortable with it. I would keep practicing it until I could execute it 3 times in a row.

2. Next, add the Long Nails attack (Square, Square). You will notice the timing is slightly different when you transition from Long Nails to the Cat and Mouse attack. The Whip String happens faster which means your Lasso Grip needs to get executed faster.

3. Once your comfortable enough starting the attach with the Long Nails begin the attack with the Somersaulting Fever (Down Forward X). The difference here is you will have time your Long Nails attack to hit your opponent on the way down.

In live game play there are other Somersault Fever initiated Kombos you can execute that are easier for 20-30%.

Catwoman - 4. Looks That Kill (29% Very Difficult)

Kombo Challenge: Square, Square, Back Square - Square - Square, Square, X

Playtime (Square, Square, Back Square)
Quick Scratch (Square)
Reaching For Air (Square, Square, X)

2/7/09 2:35 PM - I completed this Kombo Challenge relatively quickly. I rated it as very difficult because it is hard for me to repeat. I currently am able to execute this Kombo only about 10% of the time. Here's my approach:

1. To execute Playtime I quickly press Square, Square, Back Square. After the Catwoman finishes this sequence with a Skull Pouncer our opponent will get smacked down and bounce in the air.

2. When your opponent is in mid air, press Square once. This is should be down with a slight pause after the Skull Pouncer. If done correctly you keep your opponent in the air with a Quick Scratch (Square).

3. Finally, quickly press (Square, Square, X) to execute the Reaching For Air sequence. For some reason I have trouble getting Catwoman to get the last Leaping Leg (X) attack in. I think I'm not pressing (Square, Square, X) fast enough. I have found I'm more successful with this Kombo when I have my opponent near the wall.

Catwoman - 3. Cat-Astrophe (33% Moderate)

Kombo Challange: Back Square - O, Back Forward O, * Down Back Square

Skull Pouncer (Back Square)
Heel Kick (O)
Raging Cat (Back Forward O)
Whip String (Down Back Square)

2/7/09 11:15 AM - Here's how to execute this move:

1. Starting off, press Back Square to initiate the Kombo with a Skull Pouncer. This will smack your opponent down and bounce them into the air.

2. When you opponent is in mid air press O to execute a heel kick. This is done almost immediately after the Skull Pouncer buttons are pressed. Just a slight pause to give your opponent time to get in the air.

3. This is the hardest part of the move getting the Raging Cat to execute. I had to practice this pressing O, Back Forward O several times alone before incorporating it into the combo. You have to press Back Forward O immediately after your Heel Kick button is pressed and you have to press those buttons fast. If you wait until Catwoman actually performs her heel kick, you're too late. Really (O, Back Forward O) should be executed as if it is one move.

4. Once you have executed the Raging cat you have some time to wait before executing the last Whip String move. As I mentioned in the Untameable posting, wait for Catwoman to lift her knee and right at the point where she is pushing off execute the Whip String move.

Catwoman - 2. Cat and Mouse (24% Moderate)

Kombo Challenge: Down Back Square, * Back Forward Triangle

Whip String (Down Back Square)
Lasso Grip (Back Forward Triangle)

2/7/09 10:50 AM - I labelled this move as moderately difficult because of the timing involved. Sometimes I can execute this move 10 times in a row, other times I can only get it a few times out of 10. The best bit of advice I can give you is this:

1. After you execute the Whip String (Down Back Square) give a brief pause before executing the Lasso Grip (Back Forwrd Triangle). You should have begun executing the Lasso Grip move by the time Catwoman has reached back with her whip.

2. Make sure to press "Back" again to initiate the Lasso Grip. I found my self early on, trying to execute this move by only pressing "Back" in the Whip String move. Since the first move ends with "Back" and the last move starts with "Back" you may find yourself wanting to do the same thing I did. Also, I was trying to execute the Lasso Grip to soon which contributed to the "Back" once problem.

3. Finally, it seems to help execute the Lasso Grip move if after you finished pressing Back Forward Triangle, you hold on to Triangle button until the move is actually executed.

Note: You can also get the same amount of damage by doing a Whip String to Kitty Surprise (Back Forward X) sequence. However, it won't complete your Kombo Challenge for you.

Get used to the Cat and Mouse Kombo as you will need it in a couple of the later Kombo Challenges.

Catwoman - 1. Untameable (19% Easy)

Kombo Challenge: Back Forward O, * Down Back Square

Raging Cat (Back Forward O)
Whip String (Down Back Square)

2/7/09 10:35 AM - This move is faily easy. The key is the timing of when to execute the Whip String. After Catwoman wraps her legs around the victim's hips and scratches their face she will push off with her legs. Watch for when her knee goes up. When it does she will then push off. Press Down Back Square just as she begins pushing off. If you get the timing right she will crack her whip in mid air. I am about 60% successful right now any executing this move. This is worth perfecting because it is the only move you can execute after the Raging Cat. In live game play use this after the Raging Cat everytime.

Catwoman - All Kombo Challenges

Kombo Challenges: (Number, Name, Damage, Difficulty)

1. Untameable, 19%, Easy
2. Cat and Mouse, 27% Moderate
3. Cat-Astrophe, 33%, Moderate
4. Looks That Kill, 29%, Very Difficult
5. Hiss and Purr, 29%, Very Difficult
6. Feral Instinct, 20%, Difficult
7. Here Kitty Kitty, 40%, Easy
8. Sharp but Sweet, 39%, Very Difficult
9. Purrrfection, 38%, Very Difficult
10. Broken promises, 38%, Very Difficult