Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baraka - 9. Cut to Ribbons (41% Very Difficult)

Kombo Challenge: Fists Only, Triangle, Triangle, Down Forward O - Back X, Back Triangle - Triangle, Triangle, O, Back Back X, * Forward Forward Triangle

Double Cuts (Triangle, Triangle)
Blade Cyclone (Down Forward O)
Tarkatan Chop (Back X, Back Triangle)
Tears of Pain (Triangle, Triangle, O)
Chop Chop Blades (Back Back X)
Scrape Kick (Forward Forward Triangle)

1/21/09 10:50 PM - This one was difficult for me to complete for one reason only. Transitioning from the Tears of Pain move to the Chop Chop Blades. (I'll get to this).

1. The first part of the Kombo is Double Cuts (Triangle, Triangle). Simple.

2. The second part is a transition into the Blade Cyclone (Down Forward O). If you are not careful to do the down forward directional pad in sequence you may execute a Tears of Pain move. It should only take you a few practice tries to get the Double Cuts to Blade Cyclone transition.

3. Next is the Tarkatan Chop move (Back X, Back O). This is a back kick to upper cut (sort of). Anyway, after you execute it in the Kombo it will knock your opponent way in the air.

4. Pause until your opponent is on the way down and the execute the Tears of Pain move (Triangle, Triangle, O). It is EXTREMELY important that you only tap each button once. My biggest issue was that I was tapping Triangle, Triangle O, O. I was hitting the O twice without really even noticing it. If you do what I did, you will never be able to transition into the next move...

5. Which is the Chop Chop Blades. If you only tapped Triangle Triangle O you should have no problem with executing the Chop Chop Blades (Back Back X). The main thing you need to focus on is to confidently execute the Tears of Pain move without hitting any extra buttons. You still need to quickly press Back Back X for this but it should work.

6. Finally, if you are so skilled to get the Double Cuts to Blade Cyclone to Tarkatan Chop to Tears of Pain to Chop Chop Blades off, be prepared to press forward forward Triangle at just the right time to execute the power Scrape Kick. The way I get this to work, is when Baraka starts the Chop Chop Blades, I start pressing forward repeatedly until right before he finishes cutting up his opponent and then press Triangle. Unlike the attack button sequences, I have found that with moves which require tapping the directional pad in the same direction twice, it doesn't hurt to press them repeatedly ahead of the attack button.

Frankly, I like the Love of Battle move better. It's easier to execute and you get 43% damage.

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