Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baraka - 10. Stabby Stabby (48% Very Difficult)

Kombo Challege: Fists Only, Back X, Back Triangle - Back X, Back Back X, * Forward Forward Triangle - Triangle Triangle O, Forward Forward Triangle.

Start with blades retracted (Fists only)
Tarkatan Chop (Back X, Back Triangle)
Hop Roundhouse (Back X)
Chop Chop Blades (Back Back X)
Scrape Kick (Forward Forward Triangle)
Tears of Pain (Triangle Triangle O)
Scrape Kick (Forward Forward Triangle)

1/21/09 11:45 PM - This is pretty difficult to complete but can be done with some practice. I recommend breaking these Kombos into 3 practice sessions.

1. It shouldn't be that difficult to get the first two combinations in the sequence off. Witht the Tarkatan Chop it's a little bit difficult to start this off because it requires you to press back and X. If pressing back moves you away from your opponent a bit you can still execut the move since it is intiated by a Hop Roundhouse. Keep holding back when you transition to the Triange to finish the Tarkaan chop. You will then want to briefly let go of the back button so you don't move any further away and the press a back and X at the same time to execute the second Hop Roundhouse. Practice this a few times.

2. Next you will need to execute the Chop Chop Blades. This is a bit tricky because you are already holding back and X for your Hop Roundhouse. You will need to get conditioned to press Back Back X immediately after you initiate the Hop Roundhouse sequence. Once you get Baracka's Chop Chop Blades going you will need to initiate a power Scrape Kick. You should be used to these by now, from previous Kombo Challenges.

3. Finally to end the Kombo you will need to get off the Tears of Pain and Scrape Kick moves. To get the Tears of Pain move off you will need to step forward a little bit after you execute the power Scrape Kick. When your opponent is on their way down press Triangle, Triangle, O. Remember to only press the buttons once. Just like the Cut to Ribbons Kombo any extra taps will cause this Kombo not to work. You will then need to quickly press Forward Forward Triangle to execute the last Scrape Kick.

If you piece these Kombo sequences together you can get off a sick 48% damage move. This is it for Baraka's Kombos. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to post them.

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