Sunday, January 25, 2009

Batman - 7. Nightstalker (41% Very Difficult)

Kombo Challenge: X, Back Square - O, X - Square, Square, Triangle, * Down Back O

Darkness (X, Back Square)
Over and Up (O, X)
Vengeance (Square, Square, Triangle)
Leg Take Down (Down Back O)

1/25/09 - 10:00 PM - This is a very difficult Kombo to pull off. Well atleast it was for me. It's really a cool looking Kombo too. I've only pulled it off 3 times out of like 50 tries. I know, pathetic... Here's how I approached this Kombo.

1. Practice the Vengeance to Leg Take Down enough times to where you're comfortable with that attack sequence. Actually, this is a nice Kombo unto itself at 19%. One thing to note about this sequence is that the Triangle button will execute the Double Back Kick if you wait too long to do the Leg Take Down. You want to execute the Leg Take Down before the second roundhouse. I know the full attack sequence has a "*" in it but you can execute the Leg Take Down immediately after the Vengeance attack sequence. Practice until your comfortable with it. Often times in this blog you'll notice that I practice the last part of the full Kombo before the first attack sequence. It makes it easier for me.

2. When your comfortable with the Vengeance to Leg Take Down, start at the beginning. Execute the Darkness to Over and Up which isn't difficult. There is timing involved to do this but it's not too difficult. The hard part is transitioning to the Vengeance from here. To do it, you need to press forward a bit to actually reach your opponent with the punches. Now execute the Vengeance to Leg Take Down. This is really hard,... atleast it is for me. If anyone has a better technique for accomplishing this PLEASE post a comment with your technique!!

Good Luck.

1 comment:

  1. It gets a little easier, if your opponent is standing against a wall, as you don't have to step forward to have the punches connect as well.
